Monday, June 13, 2011

Back to work

It has been a slow month.  I have kept working on the file for the Rock Creek Spring piece an hour or so a day.  But somehow I just lost steam.  And the garden kept calling to me as well.  But now I have gotten back to it.  I decided that the sample I made with four weft colors did not have enough oomph.  I really needed that fifth color--yellow.  So over the weekend I finally figured out how to modify the structures I needed to add the yellow tones and an extra shuttle.  I was worried that one more shuttle would make the front too gauzy, when I had one color on the front and four running in the back layer.  But it seems to be working out okay.  

Here are the color swatches for the new piece.  The next picture shows some of the color swatches and some small strips of the file woven.  I will probably make some more changes before I am satisfied, but I am making progress now.
The last shuttle you cannot see is blue.

Today I also got an email with photo from my friend Lee.  I spent much of the fall weaving a three part hanging for her dining room.  While I delivered it in January, things have gotten in the way and it has just been mounted.   I will go over to her house and take better pictures next week, but here is a sneak preview.  The negative shapes in the metal sculptures between the weavings were the inspiration for the forms in the three pieces. 


  1. Lucky Lee! I love the way the weavings echo the shapes and themes of the other artwork.
