I am so thrilled to get the repaired circuit board from the factory. The loom works perfectly now. It was so frustrating to be without a loom for five weeks. We went back and forth on what was wrong, but ultimately all is well. Of course, I was in Maine for a week of that and in Minnesota for a few days, too. So I did have some other things to do. But I became so tired of being loom-less, that I actually wrote up my lecture for Complex Weavers a year from now. That's bored! Here is the trial strip for my new piece: Aurora. Below it you can see some areas of floats in the black and white, when the loom was misbehaving on the left side.
I think I am going to like the blending of colors in this one. The next picture is of the first 800 picks of the design. There are 5800 in the file, so I will be at this for awhile.
The texts around the frame refer to various bits of science I learned about auroras, while I was doing my research for the piece.
this will be an absolutely beautiful work. As a novice weaver, I am in awe!