Thursday, August 11, 2011

Good news/bad news

The loom is down at present.  A new small part is due soon, and Vibeke and Co are always so good about helping to troubleshoot problems.  So maybe the loom will be functioning later in the month.  We are off for a driving trip to Maine for a week anyway.  That should be a nice break.

The good news is that I actually had one of my newer pieces accepted into a show.  It is the New York Textile Study Group show in Lower Manhattan, December 6 to February 19.  The piece accepted is "Pixilated Forest."  I am so pleased.  The juror was Rebecca Stevens of the Textile Museum here in Washington.
This is the homegrown image that I submitted.  But last week I had four of my newer pieces photographed by a professional.  Her work is vastly superior to what I can do myself.  I am looking forward to getting the CD so that I can apply to some other shows.

1 comment:

  1. Chris, congratulations! That's great news (although not about the loom :-(
